There are elaborate spells and then there are ones such as these free loves spells without ingredients being needed whatsoever. Some of the more theatrical spells take tons of different items, precise timing and often herbs that most of us simply can’t find or don’t have time to deal with. That’s where these love spells come in incredibly handy.
You see the key to any spell is the motive and the will power that you put behind it more so than anything else and to top it all the amount of faith you have in the outcome as well as in the higher power.
So the first thing you must understand is that you never want to cast a love spell or any spell for that matter unless you have a 1000 percent positive motive. Now lets get on to the free love spells!
Love Spells Without Ingredients
We’re going to cover 2 different spells for you to choose from, both of which you’ll be able to do from anywhere and they are love spells without ingredients needed whatsoever to complete them!
Love Spell #1
All you’ll need for this is a quiet place where you can close your eyes for a few minutes and then complete the following steps:
Step 1: Close your eyes and think about the person or situation you would like to cast the spell about. Let the images and thoughts flood your mind as you try your best to imagine their face. Concentrate enough to try your best at getting a mental image of them — visualize the best that you can.
Step 2: Once you get them in your mind, tell them everything you want them to know, everything you want them to feel and what you want your relationship to be like in the future. Don’t speak it aloud but rather directly to them in your mind.
Step 3: After you’re satisfied with what you’ve said, try to visualize both of you coming together and forming the relationship you desire.
Final Step: Before you open your eyes. Say a prayer asking for help in your love life and with your relationship. Ask that you be blessed with the proper outcome so that you can gain the love that you desire in your life. The spell is now completed.
Love Spell #2
Here come’s number 2! This is another free love spell without ingredients being required and it’s even easier than the first one. This is one is especially good if you’re short on time and want one that you can do over and over at a moments notice to increase it’s potency.
Step 1: Clutch your hands together in a way where it resembles a heart shape the best that you can. It doesn’t need to be perfect so you can be as nonchalant as you’d like.
Final Step: Repeat this phrase while envisioning the love you which to gain or the desired outcome you’re looking for: Bring me the love that I need, thank you heavenly creator for hearing me. It’s a simple phrase and it rhymes too so it’s super easy to remember after a few times.
There you have it! Just like I promised all of you — two free love spells! Let us know how things turned out for you after utilizing these, in the comments area below!
If you’re concerned about casting a love spell yourself and would like an expert to do it for you… check out the spells and ritual experts currently online, ready to assist you with all your spell casting needs.
Looking for a love spell to help find me love and happiness. I hope that I’ll meet the meet the man of my dreams, no more lonely days. Hopefully that he will come an take me away to a better life of fun filled days with laughter, no more sorrow, send love knocking at my door and be my Mr. Right! Let it be soon! Send me Mr. Right, to take me out to dinner and dancing!
I want a life worth living is what I want, to build a future with someone that is looking for love like me.
Tired of searching with no luck and tired of hurting, being sad all the time, with your help I’m hoping that will come to an end and I’ll be happy again.
It worked! My potion! It really worked!
It did it!
did it really just so I can use it
love ya
yah if you believe on it when you do it ,it will work for you
How did you do it ?
Does my husband love me and is he coming back home?
Can you please cast spell for me! I want my boyfriend back, I miss and love him so much.
Do you think i will get my work permit????
I want my ex arthur to love me like he used too. I want him to know I’m I n love with him like crazy ok I don’t want NJ o n one else I haven’t cheated nor will I want us to be so tight that nothing will come in between and I don’t want him to leave this morning if the do make him come right bk to me ASAP
Need help
I Want my baby’s father to love me and me only. I don’t want to let anything come between us, I love him a lot like life itself.
I fell for a boy who HATES me! I don’t know what to do!!!
Please work!
Please help me, I’m so much in love with Dale, my heart is dying, I miss what we once had. Help me get him back, PLEASE!
Can you pls cast a spell for me. My boyfriend and I broke up and now he’s talking to someone or maybe he’s with a new girlfriend even. I want him to bring his love back to me and trust me again. I want him to love me for eternity. I want him only for myself because I’m the one for him.
Please help me to get my ex back his name is Orville M..
Hunny you got to do this spell on him to get it to work.
Can you help me to get my husband to come back to me. I miss him so much and will do anything to get him back with me. Please help me!!!!
Thanks to priestess anku for bringing back my love.
Did these spells actually work… I am hopeful
Are u serious???
Please make Robert I. come back to me all I want is him and I want him to want me just as much as I want him!
So shall it be
How accurate are these spells?
Do you think you can help me with this one special person that I have to be with
I want my boyfriend to come back to me. I love him with all my heart and soul. I want him to love me again.
I want my girlfriend back. I need a strong love spell cast over her. I am short on time so this must happen quickly. Problem is she holds on the the pain of the past and it stops her from loving anyone. But she has shown me that she still has love for me. Please reignite that flame in her heart and make her return to me. I miss her so much. I can’t go another day without her. I want to marry her.
Please help me come back my ex jass, I want him back to me, though there is a wowan chasing him and not nice to him because this woman has so many men in her life!
I hope this works I love my husband more than anything and want us to be together
Hey did yall get back together
Please help me out, thank u
I am very happy today with my ex boyfriend. My name is Simon Anna living in USA, My ex left me for a good 3 months now, and i love him so much, i have been looking for a way to get him back since then. i have tried many options but he did not come back, until i met a friend that darted me to this site and your spell casters who helped me to bring back my ex boyfriend after 1 week. Me and my ex are living happily together today! That man is great, Now i will advice any serious persons that found themselves in this kind of problem to make contact now. They will cast spells that really work. It worked for me and should for you too.
Plz help me, my soul mate and I had an argument and he left, it’s been 3 weeks and he hasn’t made his mind up yet weather he wants to come back home, I’m so in love with him, I just want him to come back home and let’s be a family again! Please help me!!
Please help me, my soul mate and I had an argument and he left 3 weeks ago, I know in my heart he wants to come home, I’ve never loved anyone this much before, I’ve never had a connection with anyone like this either, please help me bring him home so my family can be complete again! Please!!
I really want Tyson to love me. we are best of friends but I love him so much I want him to feel the same.
please help me get back with my ex . i love him very much
I need my old girl back
I loved her with all my heart
and I need her back
Is there a date that she will come back?
I need a love spell that can make people love me wherever I go. Possible?
I want Inga B to love me more, I want her to know that I love her. I want family to stay out our business too.
Please help I love David and I just wanna be more than friends I tried things on my own like giving him hints and telling him he’s cute but nothing…… Plz help!
Can you do a spell for me for Jonathan L. to want me and only me. He tells me he loves me now, now I need him to show me.
Please help me my boyfriend loves another lady
My girlfriend and soulmate left me a few months ago. I love and miss you so much still. She has grown kids (30 to 37) and they rely so much on their mom. Even if it causes problems with her and me. I want them to let their mom go and let her have a life with me. They gossip and tell lies which made it impossible for our relationship to survive. Please help me bring her back into my life. Thank you. Blessings.
All I want is my boyfriend to love me For me not what I can do for him. I want him to love me like the love that I have for him and make the effort to want to be in this relationship to see what I’m feeling, that he wants to spend time with me to really see me
I want him to feel what I feel.
He likes to make a time to be with me but at the last second he tells me some kind of excuses to not come here now tells me he’s back with his ex please help me to get him back I miss him more than anything
I want help I want my boyfriend to love me more
I really pray that this will bring the love of my life to me, I love her with all my heart.
Hi, Please help, I miss my boyfriend so much, we had a falling out and ended it due to his dislike of my baby father. Please can you help him come back to me and to stop his insecurities as I love him and only him
Need help to bring a certain person back into my love life.
I want everything to go back to being the same. I want him to commit more possibly marriage.. we love each other he just can’t commit to me and only me. Maybe I should just let go.. if I have to go to this extreme for him to be my everything maybe it’s best I move on. My heart is broken
Do these 2 spells really work?
Please help rekindle my 8-year relationship with my fiancé.we are still together but I need to make him love me like he did before.please help me get him back.
look…im not trying to sound mean or anything, but i hate my crush’s girlfriend and she clearly hates me just for hanging out with him. and him have done somethings that she found out about though. and she is so overprotective that i dont think she will be breaking up with him anytime soon. and he does like her but not that much anymore. but he is scared to break up with her i think. and not to sound desprate but i want him all to myself and i want to love him as much as i can. and i cant stop thinking about him…i hope these spells work!
Can you help me? I think I have fallen for someone, a former actress, who I was following who sent me a friend request on social media at the beginning of the year which I accepted. Even though neither of us have really interacted with each other probably because we are both shy and she lives in AU I live in NZ. For some reason I can’t really get her out of my head.
I will like to get back with my ex boyfriend shy can you please help me
Need help
Please help my kids and i. Im 4 maybe 5 months pregnant and I have r other children. We need my ex bk. We need bobby w. bk. Im about to have his baby and he wont answer the phone anymore. Please hes so good for our family please help. Thank you!
I need help I want the guy to love me to come to me to cherish me to care for me I really really like this guy but I want him to come to me I want to be more attractive to this man and men that i only like plz help me
I Want Some Simple And Easy Love Spells That Works Instantly,please I Dont Want The One That Will Backfire on me.
I want my boyfriend to call me. He always misunderstands me. I want him to call me as soon as possible to clear the misunderstanding and tell me how much he loves me. I want him to love only me and never goes out with his family.
He is a married man but he has fallen for me. But since his wife got to know about our relationship she is just stick with my boyfriend. She forces him to go out with her and all.
That is why i want you to cast a spell so that my boyfriend ignores his wife and family. I want him to give me his time and all. I just want him.
Hope it works.
Please help me gain back the love and devotion of my girlfriend sami I really don’t want to lose her
I’m believing in the spell that is going to work. This man means the world to me I love him so much
Please make Bryan realize I am the one for him, that he does love me, ask me to marry him soon, He needs to STOP seeing Marci, and trying to find love on dating website’s, but also spend time with me when he feels like it. We have been together for 3 years almost and have had allot of great times and memories together.
Please help him to love me and only me.
Please have him ask me for my hand in marriage.
Thank you so much
Thanks to your psychics for bringing back my love!!!!!
I want to know if this man I’m with will want to get pregnant with me and wants to marry me.
I really need my bf back..i love him with all of my heart if only he could see that!I want him to love me and only me please help
My wife filed for divioce i love my wife and want to be with her forever please help me
May you pls help me to bring back my X girl friend vatileni Peneyambeko, she is the only one I love, we thought her my life is in danger, i want to make her my wife.
I want my girlfriend back she left me my heart is torn to pieces I love Cindy Ann, I can’t go on living without her!
Thanks for your time
please help me get back with my ex girlfriend so I can help her raise and taking care my and her son and I would like to get marry to her and have a future with her and her name is jasmine baker and I treat her good and she is everything to me and I did everything for her and I what her back so bad so me and her watch our kid grown up and have family of his own also want to get back with her so me and her can do family active with my and her son and so me jasmine and our son to be a happy family
I feel in love witb a guy wbo hates me plus we have a complicated family situation please help me ease
Please I need help. I want my ex boyfriend Kevin back with me. I love him so much that I feel lonely without him .
Hello everyone here,i am Tessy and i want to share a live testimony on how my love spell I had cast was able to bring my husband back to me, myself and my husband were on a serious breakup, even before then we were always quarreling fighting and doing different ungodly act.. My husband packed his things out of the house and we had to live in different area, despite all this i was looking for a way to re_unite with my husband. The only way I could think of was getting a spell done by one of esoteras great spell casters who was able to bring my husband back home, and he assured me that my husband will come back to me within 2 days after he has finish the preparation of the love spell. And today i am very glad to tell the world that he is truly a man of his words because my husband came back to me and fell on his knees begging me to forgive him and accept him back! Today my family is back again and we are happy living fine and healthy, with my spell caster he showed me that all my dreams can come through in re_uniting my marriage! Thank you and praise Jesus our God! Thank you again for your help, thank you, thank you!
I pray this works…. im in love with him… C.M. please….
I want my daughter Gina to find her soul mate soon.she always with losers.i know she is young but the guys she brings over are embarrassing.i want her to find a normal decent young man
I want my daughter Gina to find a normal man
Thanks Esoteras for restoring my broken marriage. Your Ways are higher and your plans for our lives outweigh any fear and doubt our earthly minds can conjure up. My husband is home after several years of separation and wavering and wandering through his wilderness. I can say with my heart that this site is who brought all this to pass with a spell. Last Saturday, while going on search for help i came across his website page on how to win your ex back and restore your homes and repair what the enemy has destroyed, I looked over and my husband was staring at me with such love and remorse. He told me he loved me and that he’s never in his life been happier than he is right now. If you would have asked me a year ago if I could foresee this miracle I would have said ‘No Way!’ I thank you!!!
I fell in love with my girl best friend and I really want her but I don’t know if she likes me back but she kissed me three times.
If this works I will be sooooooooooooo thankful!
I’m a black girl and i want you to help me with a love spell, i want a white guy to love me forever! thank you!
I really hope this works I’m in love with a popular youtuber (not to mention he’s shout 7 years older than me) and I really want them to like me there’s also another problem he lives in Los Angeles while I live in new jersey
I have this special someone. We were together for 4 months. He left to be with his family 8months ago. He promised he’ll be back. I really love him. He was my first love when we were young. He said he loved me but he is not sending me emails now. I really want him badly. Is there a way to bring him back to me? I’m not a bad person but I really want to be him. Pls help…
I hope this works i did #2 i want him back he means so much to me.. Idk what i couldd do without him… Hes everything.. Everything any girl would every want… So i want him back plz
I want Dan to feel the same way I feel about him. He used to text me Im thinking about u. And now he says he’s not ready for a relationship. I don’t understand what changed him
I need this to work I met a guy at horse back riding (obviously they were his horses.) for my friends birthday and when I saw him I think Cupid hit me in the heart with a love arrow.
Please bring my. Love Brian back to me and breakup him and the girl Michelle he immediately got into a relationship with. I love him so much and my heart is in so much pain without him. And I know I am still always on his mind and he loves and desires me more then any other and that he feels more attraction to me then any others. Him and I belong together forever. Make his love so strong he will never leave me again and we will be together forever. That his love will be stronger and more important then all else. Please please bring him and his love back to me. Thank you
Hi i need your help.i want my fiance back to me.and he ask to marry me again.please help me i want him back to heart broken.i want him back and stay together for the rest of our life.he was so angry to me please help me to remove that feeling and give him forgiveness for me
I need help.i want my fiancé back to me.i want him to stay with me and love me for the rest of my life..please help me i dont know what to devastated now..
I want someone to like me at least and i could not help but look this up cause im so alone i no freinds.people make fun of me bully me harass me……all cause im diffrent.i was born with a condition and when i was born my teeth were not white like everyone else my smile was ugly i felt horrible i had no enamel on my teeth.people said i eat candy and junk food or i dont brush them…..people said they hope i die alone…. But i dont want to i want at least 1 person that will say with me forever oh dear heavenly father can i at least have a person that cares if i died….Well im not alone at least i got you lord just someone please help me please…….
I just wanna know how it feels to be wanted
My name is Steven Linda from Scotland, i want to testify about a great spell caster that help me cast a spell that bring my husband back to me without any delay. I broke up with him with just little misunderstanding hoping we will get back shortly,but things was growing worse until made contact with one of your psychics who helped me with his historical powers to bring him back, i have never believed in a spell caster until i come across him, it will be of great sin if i should go out from here without dropping the contact of this great spell caster, in case you need the help of this great spell caster you can contact him through the site. once again i say very big thanks to you sir for helping me to recover my husband back, and please sir keep your good work because people need your help and in their lives, once more thank you!
Please I need my wife back cast a spell to bring her back
Please cast a spell to bring my wife back
Hope all is well!